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Lehandra Riley
Aug 17, 2023
Teen Girls: The secrets we keep...
Do you have a secret? Most girls out there have secrets; deep matters of the heart that they keep to themselves. Sometimes those secrets...

Lehandra Riley
Jun 4, 2023
From Comfort to Growth!
You know what they say: A change is as good as a holiday. However, the older we get the easier it is to become complacent and stuck in...

Lehandra Riley
May 31, 2023
The Five Love Languages
Often, when seeing couples for counselling in my private practice, I see a lot of improvement in communication and understanding once...

Lehandra Riley
May 31, 2023
Tips for successful online counselling sessions
Online sessions are a great opportunity to make counselling more approachable and personal by facilitating sessions in a comfortable...

Lehandra Riley
May 15, 2023
Understanding Anger
Since childhood we have all been conditioned to respond to and deal with anger in a particular way. Sometimes the message around anger is...

Lehandra Riley
May 3, 2023
Things to consider before and after marriage
Getting married is one of the biggest and life changing events a person can experience in their lifetime. It is a decision and covenant...

Lehandra Riley
Apr 15, 2023
Sleep Hygiene
Yes you read right and no it does not refer to climbing into bed washed and clean (however, that is not a bad idea) or sleeping in the...

Lehandra Riley
Feb 21, 2023
A word of welcome
You belong here... Hi there! I am thrilled to welcome you to this creative space. Here you will find blog/vlog inserts along with...
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